Formulas of the Regional Leader
”We are trying to anticipate challenges and to face them on time, before they become a problem”, says Dr Tihomir Simić, Director of this company. ”In this way we prevented the loss of value of what had been created through the previous several decades long efforts, that is how we overcame the previous stagnation, that is the foundation of our expectation of positive business and financial results in 2011, after previous four negative years. Therefore, the formula is as simple as it is demanding: to preserve what we have, to build the new, to integrate the advanced and technologically better”
Filled out journal of regulations, promotions, accelerations and improvement of efficiency in all areas – that has been the characteristic of business operations of ”Elektrovojvodina” in the past year. Harmonization with the new legal frameworks has been completed, certain previous shortcomings have been overcome, the rejuvenation of professional personnel has been continued, the most advanced control tools for both the operating and technical part of the company have been introduced, high technology models that undoubtedly represent the future have been implemented.
– We have shown the ability to develop ourselves dynamically, simultaneously achieving highs business results, increasing the level of collection and reducing losses and theft of electric power. We have also actively implemented pilot projects that are significant for the Electric Power Distribution of Serbia. That has made our company stand out as realistically possible leader in the area of electric power distribution in the region – says Dr Tihomir Simić, Director of ”Elektrovojvodina” in Novi Sad. – Of course, this could not have been achieved if it weren’t for the full commitment of each of our 2,500 employees to ensure energy reliability and quality of supply of electric power, in accordance with international standards, for the economy and citizens in the province.
For people in ”Elektrovojvodina”, the corporate social responsibility is not only a fashionable phrase, but the principle above all others and a continuous imperative. The result is over 40 million EUR of investment in electric power and business infrastructure, partnership with almost all local self-governments, the city of Novi Sad, provincial government... And the result is also support to charity initiatives, projects in the field of culture, sports, education, environmental protection, etc.
– We are trying to anticipate challenges and to face them on time, before they become a problem – adds Director Simić. – In this way we prevented the loss of value of what had been created through the previous several decades long efforts, that is how we overcame the previous stagnation, that is the foundation of our expectation of positive business and financial results in 2011, after previous four negative years. Therefore, the formula is as simple as it is demanding: to preserve what we have, to build the new, to integrate the advanced and technologically better.
It is already fully recognizable that ”Elektrovojvodina” is the responsible driving force in, and the leader of economic development, as well as improvement of the standard of living of all people in the northern Serbian province. Activities of this company, its vision and understanding of its own mission, are harmonized with developmental activities of the University in Novi Sad, Matica srpska, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, Institutes ”Nikola Tesla” and ”Mihajlo Pupin”, but are also defined through cooperation with the European Renewable Energy Council from Brussels, Institute for European Affairs from Dusseldorf, and companies ”Siemens”, ”Schneider”, DMS, ABB and many others.
The ultimate goals are good quality and reliable delivery, satisfied and loyal customers.
Customers must be given attention and care 24 hours a day. When they have to be informed about their consumption, or when they need a certain problems to be solved related to the quality of delivered electric power, and when they need to exercise certain benefits. In cooperation with the Development Bank of Vojvodina, this company has promoted the Loyalty Program and launched first electric power payment cards, in order to provide customers with easier conditions of the payment of consumed electric power.
– Additionally, through the introduction of new Billing, Total-Observer, Protis, the unique code book of materials, electronic organization of procurement of goods and services, electronic signature, ”Elektrovojvodina” has been preparing for new changes in the environment: unregulated market of electric power, competition, introduction of renewable energy sources, etc. We will be ready to bring our business operations to an even higher level, to ensure satisfaction of both employees and shareholders, as well as satisfaction of all our customers – says Director Simić.
As we have already written, in this light we should also observe this year’s commissioning of fully reconstructed transformer stations ”Novi Bečej” and ”Srbobran”, current reconstruction and construction of several capital electric power distribution facilities (transformer stations ”Vršac 1” and ”Vršac 2”, ”Sremska Mitrovica 1”, ”Novi Sad 7” and ”Inđija 2”). Together with local self-governments, a lot has been invested this year in infrastructural furnishing of industrial and work zones, which contributes to the process of attracting fresh i nvestment capital and employment.
Furthermore, ”Elektrovojvodina” has fully digitalized the spoken radio-connections in dispatcher control in the territory of Srem. Project called ”Digital Srem” is the response to increased requirements for speed and efficiency in system control.
– Further modernization of operations is simply a requirement of the time – adds Director Simić. – Raising the quality of delivered electric power, improvement of drive capacities, reduction of loss in distribution – all these are the way in which our company is getting ready for technological challenges that are ahead of us. Some of these challenges are ”smart grids”, production of energy from renewable sources, improvement of energy efficiency... For shareholders of ”Elektrovojvodina” it is good news that this company has knowledge, expertise and determination to achieve this.
Collective care of stable energy present and safe future is the building block of all visions and strategies of development, from agriculture to high technologies, from social matrices to family and individual – concluded the first man of ”Elektrovojvodina”.
Light bulbs
Functioning of the entire system is significant for the supply of electric power. ”Elektrovojvodina” indicate the importance of energy efficiency by distributing ”energy saving light bulbs” to customers, which contributed to further strengthening of its positive image. In addition to other things, this has reaffirmed the permanent postulate of the company that satisfied and loyal customer is its first priority.
Clean Technologies, Renewable Sources
Summing up the recent Fifth International Forum on Renewable Energy Sources, held within the ”Day of Energy 2011” in Novi Sad, under the auspices of ”Elektrovojvodina” and provincial government, director of this company Tihomir Simić says:
– More than 500 participants and this far the highest number of registered works, including statements of top experts in this area, those from companies and from universities, confirm once again: care for energy safety of every country and nation is the foundation of all thoughts of better life of citizens, of modern and developed economy, employment. And the use of renewable energy sources, protection of nature and its resources, are necessary preconditions fro this, as well as for halting further devastation of our shaken civilization.